Sgt. Dick Moyer

Sgt. Dick Moyer who was a Long Range Patrol Army Ranger in Vietnam during the Tet Offensive. Sgt. Moyer has 3 Purple Hearts and 2 Bronze Stars for Valor and other awards for his bravery and gallantry.  The stories Sgt. Moyer has to tell are truly amazing.  They are all based on factual evidence with documentation and his personal first hand experience.  We now have the distinct honor to be presenting  Parts 1, 2 & 3 of Sgt. Dick Moyer’s videos with Part 4 to come this summer.

Dick Moyer is a humble man, but make no mistake, Dick Moyer is a man’s man and the one man you want on your side.  Better yet, you want to be on his team.  He is a highly decorated war hero that has proven himself time and time again as a leader and a winner.  Voice of the Vet is truly honored to present this series of videos of Sgt. Dick Moyer, U.S. Army Ranger, Long Range Patrol, Vietnam War Veteran and all around great guy!



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