Lt. Leo Durant, Vietnam War Veteran, Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH)

Leo Durant is a decorated U.S. Marine that served in the Vietnam War.  He was a 1st Lt. and an Honor Graduate from the Army Armor School.  Leo was in charge of a unit that had 10 Amtracs, known as Amphibian Tractors that became known as the AmGrunts in a place called Cua Viet, Vietnam. After only … Read more

Dr. Richard Small, Capt. US Army, Vietnam War, Military Order of the Purple Heart

Capt. Richard Small, MD, volunteered for service in Vietnam from 1968 through 1970.  Dr. Small was the General Medical Doctor for the 3rd Brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division.  He later became the Battalion Surgeon in the 1st of the 505.  Dr. Small made many trips to visit the local villages and provide lifesaving medical … Read more

Lt. Len Yelinek, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War Veteran

Lt. Len Yelinek was in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War from 1968 to 1969. Len was the first Public Affairs Officers for the River Patrol Force. Len was severely injured during an ambush and spent 2 months in the hospital recovering from his wounds. Len Yelinek received a Purple Heart for his injury … Read more

Sgt. Dick Moyer, U.S. Army Ranger, Long Range Patrol and Vietnam War Veteran

This video is Part 1 of Sgt. Dick Moyer who was a Long Range Patrol Army Ranger in Vietnam during the Tet Offensive. Sgt. Moyer has 3 Purple Hearts and 2 Bronze Stars for Valor and other awards for his bravery and gallantry.  The stories Sgt. Moyer has to tell are truly amazing.  They are … Read more

John Waid – U.S. Air Force – Vietnam War Veteran – Military Order of the Purple Heart

John Waid served in the U.S. Air Force from 1966 to 1977 as an Aircraft Mechanic.   While stationed in Vietnam during the war, John’s role was vital in keeping his aircraft’s in tip top shape and ready at a moments notice.  One evening while sleeping, John’s base was attached with mortar fire.  John’s quarters was … Read more

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