VA Disability Pay

VA Disability Pay Rate as of 01/01/2025

IMPORTANT – Beware of anyone or any organization that wants to charge you for help with your VA Disability Claim.  By law, nobody can charge you for this service unless they are a VA Approve Attorney or have passed the VA Agents Test, so please beware.  There a lot of “Veterans Service Officers (VSO)” that come across that they know what they are doing, but in reality some of them do more harm than good.  If they promise you anything… run!  This process is a complex and tedious one and if you get the wrong person helping you, it could delay or even deny your claim.  If that happens, then there is a lot of time and work to straighten out your claim.  We just do not want you to get caught up in a bad situation.  This is your benefit, you earned it, so let’s just make sure your best interests are taken care of.  We have witnessed way too many horror stories about those that charge for this service and we are in the process of exposing them on our podcasts for their illegal tactics, so stay tuned.

10% – 20% (No Dependents)
Percentage Rate
10% $175.51
20% $346.95


30% – 60% Without Children
Dependent Status 30% 40% 50% 60%
Veteran Alone $537.42 $774.16 $1,102.04 $1,395.93
Veteran with Spouse Only $601.42 $859.16 $1,208.04 $1,523.93
Veteran with Spouse & One Parent $652.42 $927.16 $1,293.04 $1,625.93
Veteran with Spouse and Two Parents $703.42 $995.16 $1,378.04 $1,727.93
Veteran with One Parent $588.42 $842.16 $1,187.04 $1,497.93
Veteran with Two Parents $639.42 $910.16 $1,272.04 $1,599.93
Additional for A/A spouse $58.00 $78.00 $98.00 $117.00


70% – 100% Without Children
Dependent Status 70% 80% 90% 100%
Veteran Alone $1,759.19 $2,044.89 $2,297.96 $3,831.30
Veteran with Spouse Only $1,908.19 $2,214.89 $2,489.96 $4,044.91
Veteran with Spouse and One Parent $2,028.19 $2,351.89 $2,643.96 $4,216.35
Veteran with Spouse and Two Parents $2,148.19 $2,488.89 $2,797.96 $4,387.79
Veteran with One Parent $1,879.19 $2,181.89 $2,451.96 $4,002.74
Veteran with Two Parents $1,999.19 $2,318.89 $2,605.96 $4,174.18
Additional for A/A spouse $137.00 $157.00 $176.00 $195.92


30% – 60% With Children
Dependent Status 30% 40% 50% 60%
Veteran with Child Only $579.42 $831.16 $1,173.04 $1,480.93
Veteran with Spouse and Child $648.42 $922.16 $1,287.04 $1,617.93
Veteran with Spouse, One Parent and Child $699.42 $990.16 $1,372.04 $1,719.93
Veteran with Spouse, Two Parents and Child $750.42 $1,058.16 $1,457.04 $1,821.93
Veteran with One Parent and Child $630.42 $899.16 $1,258.04 $1,582.93
Veteran with Two Parents and Child $681.42 $967.16 $1,343.04 $1,684.93
Add for Each Additional Child Under Age 18 $31.00 $42.00 $53.00 $63.00
Each Additional Schoolchild Over Age 18 $102.00 $137.00 $171.00 $205.00
Additional for A/A spouse $58.00 $78.00 $98.00 $117.00


70% – 100% With Children
Dependent Status 70% 80% 90% 100%
Veteran with one Child (no spouse and no parents) $1,858.19 $2,158.89 $2,425.96 $3,974.15
Veteran with Spouse and Child (no parents) $2,018.19 $2,340.89 $2,630.96 $4,201.35
Veteran with Spouse, One Parent and One Child $2,138.19 $2,477.89 $2,784.96 $4,372.79
Veteran with Spouse, Two Parents and Child $2,258.19 $2,614.89 $2,938.96 $4,544.23
Veteran with One Parent and Child $1,978.19 $2,295.89 $2,579.96 $4,145.59
Veteran with Two Parents and Child $2,098.19 $2,432.89 $2,733.96 $4,317.03
Add for Each Additional Child Under Age 18 $74.00 $84.00 $95.00 $106.14
Each Additional Schoolchild Over Age 18 $239.00 $274.00 $308.00 $342.85
Additional for A/A spouse $137.00 $157.00 $176.00 $195.92
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